
Reply to Jack
Hello Jack,
Accoording to Egbert Heerema (translation from dutch below), there was a Boerenarbeider (Farmworker) who during the NameAdoption (by Napoleon) worked for the Heerema's from the B Branch. He asked his boss if he was alowed to adapt his familly name, that is how the C-branch started in Groningen. Until now there is no affinity between Branch-A and Branch-B.
Tijdens de naamsaanneming werkte er een boerenarbeider bij de Heerema's van de B-tak. Deze heeft toen gevraagd aan zijn baas of hij de naam Heerema mocht aannemen en zo is de C-tak ontstaan in Groningen. Er bestaat tot op heden nog geen enkele verwantschap tussen de A-tak en de B-tak.

Still be able to proof that it's hooked together is a nice challange whitch should not be avoided!
Egbert also let me know that he is updating the documentation on all branches with more recent info (he is working to the present).

